This never gets old…

$65,000+ to local charities over the past 44 months


There were fist and elbow pumps all around in September as many families slid back into a little normalcy. Many kids were jacked to see their friends again and “The Back to School Burger” was a great way to celebrate the longest spring break in history!

Crestomere Junior High School Teacher Rory Whitbread studied his ingredient list long and hard as he helped create the perfect burger to slide into fall with.

Rory was keen to utilize local ingredients, even sourcing honey from Crestomere School. $2 from every burger sold in September is going directly towards Rory’s charity of choice,

Lacombe & District FCSS PASS Program.

The Pass Program (Program Admissions Sport Subsidy) allows local families facing financial hardship access to local recreational programs in the City and County of Lacombe, increasing their well being and community involvement. FCSS knows that children who are involved in activates (Sport/Drama/Art/Clubs etc.) are more connected to the community. Children who are more connected do better in school, are more confident and feel less alone. Last year the program helped 29 local children play!

Given his career in teaching, his experience as a community coach and being a father of 3, Rory understands the benefits of extracurricular activities for kids. He wanted to support a program that ensures all kids have an opportunity to participate in activities outside of school, “we have been thrown some curve balls this year. Many families have been limited in their abilities to pay for school supplies and play in community sports. FCSS PASS program is an incredible community boost to help those in need and ensure everybody gets back in the game!”

Your support of our beloved Burger of the Month Program means $1138 was donated to Lacombe FCSS’s Pass Program today.

THANK YOU for your ongoing support of our Burger of the Month program!

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